It's great to hear advice I don't tear my hair out at. Here's my 2 cents that ava doesn't mention:

It doesn't seem like you're actually seeing anything better. There is a difference between running towards something better and away from something. It's not that one is better than the other, but watching out when you feel this way would help, I think. Is it an escape from confronting and fixing the problems? Or is there something unfixable.

In our world of infinite choices, i understand how limitless the ceiling can seem. But optimising doesn't always mean optimising between choices. It also means optimising the choice you made. Doing the thing well often matters more than what thing you do. Besides, that's the only way you'll know if you should switch.

Do you believe in soulmates?

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wow this is a sweet response. I recently listened to a podcast with Lori Gottlieb with the Diary of a CEO. The things you thought you want in a partner is not always what you need - for eg, only finding partner who makes equal to or more to you means that both of you will be busy and work occupied etc.

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Lovely answer. The questions you pose are helpful for other areas of life too.

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I needed to read this. The choice to leave a long term relationship is one of the hardest ever. I am stuck in a similar place and this advice is more helpful than almost any other advice I have attempted to seek out.

I would also recommend that one think about compatibility in a different way. Re this video


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